Prospective MP for the Cities of London & Westminster, Tim Barnes, reaffirmed his commitment to support the most vulnerable in our society, signing the Homeless Link’s ‘A Home for Everyone’ pledge.
By signing the pledge, Tim committed to championing the needs of people experiencing and at risk of homelessness to help end it for good.
For many years, Tim has vehemently campaigned to support the most vulnerable. He worked with our former MP, Nickie Aiken, to campaign to repeal the 1824 Vagrancy Act so that those sleeping on the street were no longer criminalised. The Conservative Government accepted the argument and agreed to repeal the Vagrancy Act in the Criminal Justice Bill. Due to the General Election, the Bill fell. If elected, Tim would continue the campaign to repeal the Vagrancy Act and for better resources and support services for those sleeping on the street.
The last Conservative Government put in place a landmark £2 billion Rough Sleeping Fund, supporting those on the street with 14,000 beds and support staff helped individuals find work and access mental health services.
Further, the Homelessness Prevention Grant ably campaigned for by our former Conservative MP, Nickie Aiken, put in place a £654 million funding package. The City of London received £272,530 and Westminster benefited from £13,916,104 of funding to support them to deliver services to prevent and tackle homelessness. Tim would continue in Nickie’s footsteps and work with local and leading charities such as The Passage, Crisis, and St Mungo’s to support those sleeping on the street and ensure they have access to the services and support they deserve.
Tim Barnes, Prospective MP for the Cities of London & Westminster, is proud to stand on a Conservative manifesto that commits to ending rough sleeping and preventing people from ending up on the streets in the first place.