Action on Abandoned E-Bikes

Pedicabs? Done. Next? E-bikes

Hundreds of local people have contacted Tim to express their concerns over the mis-management of e-bikes in central London.

Tim explains,

"In March, Nickie Aiken, our outgoing MP, saw years of hard work rewarded with the passing of the Pedicabs Bill, which will see pedicabs regulated across London.

"I was delighted to be with her in Parliament to see the final debate. The passing of the Pedicabs Bill shows what a committed local MP can achieve: I am determined to focus on the issues that matter to local people.

"I support cycling but mismanagement of e-bike parking by the Labour-led Council is causing chaos on our pavements and roads.

"There’s a lot more Westminster Council should be doing to better regulate e-bikes. They brought in just 200 bays for the tens of thousands of e-bike journeys that Westminster sees each day. It’s simple maths that there are not enough spaces in some parts of Westminster given where people want to go. It was never going to be enough. The Labour-run council’s mismanagement created this problem, and they could do more to sort it out.

"But if they don’t, I will follow in Nickie’s footsteps and get new legislation to force them to get a grip.

"I am keen to hear your experiences about e-bikes, please complete my survey below."

Tim's Dockless Bike Survey

We want to ensure our survey represents both users and non-users of dockless bikes and scooters. How often, if at all, do you use rental dockless bikes or scooters (eg Lime / River etc)?
Do you think Westminster Council is doing a good job providing and policing bays for the dockless bikes and scooters?
Do you think the City of London Corporation is doing a good job managing dockless bikes?
Which of the following do you think should happen? Please tick all that apply.


Prospective MP Tim Barnes and former MP Nickie Aiken talk e-bikes

Our former MP Nickie Aiken spoke with Prospective MP Tim Barnes about the chaos of abandoned ebikes in Westminster. Tim explains, "I was delighted to sit down with our former MP, Nickie Aiken, to discuss how we can better manage e-bikes across our fantastic city. "If Labour-led Westminster City C

Tim Barnes calls for action on abandoned e-bikes along Millbank

Cities of London & Westminster's Prospective MP Tim Barnes has been calling for action on abandoned e-bikes in central London. "Here we are on Millbank, one of the prestigious locations in the Cities of London and Westminster.  "And behind me is another example of the mess and the chaos